

How we commit every day for a sustainable and pleasant future.

We live in a world that is evolving faster and faster. This has logically a major impact on people, society and the ground beneath our feet. Vanerum is well aware of this. We are one of the few companies in Western Europe that offer both design, the development as well as the production of furniture and technical solutions for learning environments. We strive for an economic system in which value is preserved or is created by reusing products or raw materials and thereby minimizing the destruction of raw materials.


High quality products

We design and build our products with a longevity in mind. That translates into use of materials and the construction of the product. Each raw material is valuable and with a well-considered approach the material is recorded in the next production cycle. Natural resources remain preserved and the quality of life of the earth for people and animal is enlarged.

Plan duurzaamheid Vanerum


Innovative factory

Our new factory in Belgium is our flagship in sustainable and high-quality development. We always use powder coating in the paint line, where the excess powder is purified and reused. Additionally, we work with FSC®-certified wood from regions with clear environmental regulations (license code FSC-C112333). Our adhesive supplier uses by-products from our wood processing, such as shavings and sawdust, ensuring that no valuable wood is wasted.

Fabriek Vanerum


Waste streams

We strive to keep our waste to a minimum. To achieve this, we monitor and limit our waste streams using a special software package. To guarantee smooth upcycling, we make sure that all our parts end up after their initial use in specific containers. This is how we separate wood, aluminum, steel and plastic.

Afvalstromen Vanerum


Collecting basin and buffer systems

At Vanerum we make sure that our ecological footprint is as small as possible. By building of our own collecting basin and buffer systems for rainwater, we no longer use tap water in the paint shop and sanitary installations. Energy is supplied via the solar panels on the roof of our production halls. By these efficient installations our solar panels partially cover our daily electricity needs.

Vanerum Diest


Distribution network

Vanerum has a distribution network in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany with their own trucks. As a result we can minimize the packaging material. Our products are transported on pallets that are excellent to reuse. For shipments to other countries than our neighboring countries, our products are "knock down" delivered. This way there is a significant reduction of the transport volume and packaging.

Vrachtwagen meubilair Vanerum



Happiness lies in a combination of small things. We ensure that our people in different areas get the best opportunities: Safety, technical inspections, training, ergonomics,... We also work with schools for internships and sheltered workshops. This is how we contribute every day to a more sustainable and valuable tomorrow

Peter Vranckx Vanerum

Let's create your space together

Tell us your specific needs so that we can create your ideal learning environment. With a total range of furniture, writing boards and interactive touchscreens, we offer solutions for every space.